8 am Prayer

We believe that prayer changes things. We gather to pray for our church, community, city, nation and world. As we navigate today's trials, we ask God to align our will with His.
Join us, Sunday morning at 8am in  Room 127

9 am Classes

Joshua Hanson & Lucas Fennell

Wait What?
Course Type: Apologetics, Evangelism, Sociology
Why Take this Course? 
Today, more than any other time in our history, objective truth is under attack in our culture. People say, ‘That’s your truth, not my truth,’ or ‘I don’t believe in good and evil.’ Even more concerning than relativism, however, is the recent trend of inverting the truth: what everyone agreed was evil is now openly labeled “good”—and what was good is now openly labeled evil; genders have been inverted; law and order has been inverted; the purpose of science has been inverted—up is the new down.
As a result, we are becoming more polarized and divided than ever before—because without a shared understanding of basic truths, there is no common ground for coming together. That’s why truth—the official language of God--must be preserved at all costs—because it is the bulwark against confusion, division, and erosion of our most important cultural institutions.
But without truth as a foundation, Christianity – the great hope of humanity-- is in jeopardy. To paraphrase Martin Luther, “If you eliminate Truth, you eliminate Christianity.” And without Christianity, the door is open for inequality, slavery, eugenics, dehumanization, and injustice of all kinds.
Jesus Himself said: “…for this reason I was born, and for this reason I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me” (John 18:37). Clearly, if this is the reason He came into the world—then our Lord understands its primary importance.
So, how do we defend the truth while still building bridges to our neighbors? How can we be agreeable without agreeing? How do we love our neighbors as ourselves in a world that can’t agree on nearly anything?
To answer this question, we will consider nearly every major facet of our culture -- from politics to religion, science and history, philosophy, history, theology, economics, and more – and examine them through a Biblical lens, comparing God’s truth claims to the wisdom of man. The Bible – in its vast and timeless wisdom – leaves no stone unturned. And in this sweeping course, neither will we.

Larry Watson , Paul Lang & Jeremy Callas

The Best Thing
Course Type: Evangelism for the Everyday Person
Course Format: An interactive course with discussion, videos and questions to answer at home that cover seven areas of the Christian Life.
Course Materials: Each participant will need a Bible and a copy of the Organic Disciple Study Guide, (Will be available to purchase in class)
Why Take This Course?)
The authors wrote:
The dream of God is shockingly simple, yet rarely realized. Sometimes the more Christians learn, grow, and engage in church activities, the less we move into the world with Jesus’ love. For some, the more they learn about Jesus, the less they talk about him with people who are not yet his followers.” This inverse relationship between knowing about Jesus and sharing Jesus with others is BAD!
Knowledge is great, but now is the time to get into the game and put your faith in action. Come to the class. The key is to know Jesus, in a personal way, and use his courageous love to courageously love others with the Gospel.
With God’s help, this course will allow you to share the best thing that ever happened to you as you “walk the highways and byways” of life with your friends, neighbors and family. God longs to partner with us, but he patiently waits for us to move into action. This starts with us being right with Him, open to Him and sharing Him.